General Coaching Principles:
1. Coaching is for people who are basically well-adjusted, emotionally healthy, effectively functioning, and wanting to make changes in their lives or more intentionally focus on a challenge or objective.
2. Coaching is designed to address issues the person being coached would like to consider. These could include personal issues (but are not limited to: career development, relationship enhancement, spiritual growth, lifestyle management, life balance, decision making, and achieving short-term or long-term goals) or ministry objectives and organizational development.
3. Coaching will be an ongoing relationship for at least 12 months, although either party can terminate the relationship at any time. Most of the coaching will be through telephone contact.
4. Coaching can involve brainstorming, values clarification, the completion of written assignments, education, goal setting, identifying plans of action, accountability, making requests, agreements to change behavior, examining lifestyles, and questioning.
5. Coaching is most effective when both parties are honest and straightforward in their communication.
6. An agreement for payment for services (when applicable), will be established prior to the commencement of the relationship. Form of payment, procedures for canceled appointments, and initial length of commitment will also be stipulated.
7. Coaching is a confidential relationship. Be assured that the coach will keep all information strictly confidential, except in those situations where such confidentiality would violate the law. The exception is when the Client shares information that gives the Coach reasonable cause to believe there are threats of serious harm to the Client him/herself or others. The Coach is obligated to report the situation to the proper agency.